Fuck this shit. I work every day for long fucking hours and I want to write on this stupid fucking page but I never get a chance to and I feel like a jerk for not keeping up with but at the same time don't really give a fuck because nobody reads this shit anyways. But that's not even the half of it. When we started this thing it was a good idea because everyone has to release a little steam every now and again, so why not in the form of a blog? Well, things have gone off course a little bit, most notably the fact that we stopped writing. I think before we get any further into blogging, we need to address a few issues, namely those related to the topic of this post.
I have some questions that need answers.
1. Who the hell came up with the term "blog"?
I mean, this shit sounds retarded. It is an ugly word that sounds so lame when I talk about it because I have found myself in conversation mentioning my "blog" and once it comes out I feel like a complete tool because the word itself implies 1. that I spend an above average amount of time on the computer and 2. I actually take the time to discuss my interwebbing with people I am socializing with whom I don't need to sue the internet to socialize with anyway. Unless of course they are my friends who live in far away places and are huge fans of the interweb ion which case they should ignore this particular rant because I love them very much. But that is besides the point.
2. Why do people feel the need to create blogs about shit nobody cares about?
I know for a fact that nobody gives a shit about what we hate and what we don't hate, so why do we feel the need to write about it and post it in a place where people can see it? I mean, it feels good to write about stuff and to try and come up with clever titles and topics to write about, but of course I will fail miserably at it most of the time (although I am quite proud of my glasses post). I have encountered blogs about peoples cats and I hate cats so I guess while trying to answer this question or elaborate on it I am in fact spinning my wheels into understanding why people do post blogs about mindless shit. It's because they care about it and want to writer about it not really giving and eff as who reads it or likes it or hates it and they continue to do it because it is a new and interesting way to express yourself an feel a sense of accomplishment because you can casually bring up your blog in conversation and feel cool about it. Unless of course your blog i about your cat in which case you should really stop breathing my oxygen, no matter where you are on this planet because cats and their owners are kind of creepy. well, cats are the creepy ones because they stare at you and judge you and are calculating their next move based on how much they want to freak you out.
In some ways I read back over what I have written and it focuses almost more on cats than on blogs and I wonder why because I have not had any specific cat encounters over the past few years that would stir up such emotion.
3. Who reads my blog that I don't force it upon?
Are there people that sit at their computer and just keep clicking the button at the top of the page until they see a clever title and read that? Are there people that read my blog and forward it to their friends and say, "Hey this is fucking brilliant!"? Or do I write on this and pretend that someone is reading it and think that I am clever when really my writing comes across like that of a 35 year old with downs syndrome who is bitter about the way people treat them at the grocery store.
4. Should I really care about who reads this and who doesn't?
The bottom line is I am hating on blogging right now because I have three that I am trying to keep up with and I am not doing a good job of it at all. And I wish I could have the same blogging experience as some of my friends who are kidnapping plates and posting music they create but instead I type this drivel into this machine in my classroom and wish that I could be swimming in the ocean with mermaids.